ASA Norcal President’s Message for March 2012 – Robert P. Lentz III, ASA
We Need a Few Good Men and Women – We Need YOU !
Like the Marine Corps, or any worthy organization, at ASA NorCal we are always seeking new volunteers to help with the quality work that your Chapter generates on behalf of our membership. Beginning this month, and through mid-April, we will engage in our annual process of electing the 2012-2013 officers and discipline directors.
At both the national and local chapter levels, the ASA has traditionally groomed its leaders though a process known as “advancing through the chairs.” That means the Chapter’s new president is usually the former chapter vice president, the new vice president is usually the former chapter secretary, etc., etc.
To keep the “pipeline” full of qualified members to fill our Chapter positions, we are always on the lookout for good members to step forward.
In our Chapter, interested members usually begin their active involvement by attending monthly meetings and becoming better acquainted with their discipline directors and other members. They learn the Chapter’s goals and objectives, and may serve on a committee to prepare a program or class. They may act as a mentor to a young appraiser seeking an accreditation. They may volunteer to help with worthwhile ongoing projects like our Chapter’s website or our award-winning NorCal Chapter Newsletter. They work to help get their own goals accomplished.
We are all appraisal professionals and have a responsibility to act as trustees of our profession. We would not have joined the ASA or become accredited if we sought an easier or cheaper way. And we are all busy people, with families and other personal responsibilities.
But the process has to begin somewhere. If you are serious about the ASA, we would welcome your more active participation. Please contact me or anyone else listed in the Chapter Website.
I can guarantee that you will find a most enjoyable and rewarding experience with other Very Good Men and Women. ‘See you at the next meeting!
Robert P. Lentz III, ASA NorCal Chapter President 2010-2012
Accredited Senior Appraiser in Business Valuation
Lentz & Company, Inc.
8 Waldeck Ct.
Oakland, CA 94611-1744
Direct: 510-530-0296
Fax: 510-530-0237